This course, has been approved for 1 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).
Margie Faulk is a senior level human resources professional with over 15 years of HR management and compliance experience. A current Compliance Advisor for HR Compliance Solutions, LLC, Margie, has worked as an HR Compliance advisor for major corporations and small businesses in the small, large, private, public and Non-profi Read more
Did you know that your company is at risk for actions by their employees especially their Managers? Many Employers do not realize this risk until it is too late. With an increase in claims of discrimination, wrongful termination, harassment and retaliation, it is not a wonder that this risk has been responsible for 91,503 in allegations by employees against their company to EEOC in 2016!
The cost of these allegations includes:
• Legal fees for attorneys hired to dispute these claims; these costs increase based on large fees for legal retainers ($5000-$50000), hourly rates for the time in and out of court and legal fees for plaintiff if they lose the case;
• Cost of labor of Leadership for meetings to discuss the case; I call these costs “Opportunity Costs” since they are rarely included in the overall cost;
• Cost of Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) which is an insurance paid by Employers to cover companies against lawsuits or claims filed by employees, former employees and employment candidates. The insurance coverage protects the company, its directors, officers and other employees. Even this insurance has a large deductible (at times over $50,000) before coverage starts;
• Fines, penalties and criminal sanctions from regulatory agencies like the Department of Labor (DOL), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Wage and Hour, Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) just to name a few of the regulatory agencies that can come in to your company to audit and submit claims based on employee allegations;
• Subpoenas for Employer documents, employees, witnesses, emails, employment handbooks, performance evaluations, disciplinary memos, payroll records and other documents included in discovery. These documents can impact negatively if an Employer does not have all their “Ducks in a row”.
• Severance payments offered as a settlement to end the legal process. At times by the time severance is offered, the cost has exceeded the amount of even the EPLI deductible (minimum $50,000);
• Non-monetary costs of loss of reputation, staff morale when they become aware of settlement agreements and Employer vulnerability to other allegations once the word gets out.
How many Managers and Supervisors are trained to be managers or leaders? Many Managers are promoted because they are good at what they do but do not know how to manage employees. Did you know, your managers have the power and the authority to make the decisions that will either ruin your company or improve it? Managers can be Ambassadors for your organizations providing leadership skills, mentorship and guidance to employees or provide increased risk and potential violations that can cost your company and the Managers litigation and fines & penalties for decisions they make through Vicarious Liability.
Vicarious Liability is when your Managers are held accountable and responsible for their actions as Managers. Not only is the company held responsible financially, but Managers can also be liable for fines and penalties based on the decisions they make.
Not all decisions Managers make are good decisions or exemplify what the company would decide. Can you vouch for all your Managers? Even good Managers can cost the company thousands of dollars when they make decisions that impact the bottom line.
Have All Your Managers be Aware of all the Compliance Risks and How to Mitigate them! Reduce your risk of fines, violations and even criminal sanctions! Can you afford not to train your Managers?
Key Topics to be addressed include:
• Employers who train their Managers/Supervisors in compliance initiatives, have a “good faith Defense” if there are future workplace litigations;
• Managers/Supervisors make decision that does not necessarily coincide with the Organization. This Compliance Training Series will mandate your Managers/Supervisors to follow your organization’s policies, culture and practice;
• Your Organization can demonstrate that they provide good judgement when litigation issues arise. That means if the Organization can demonstrate that they train Managers/Supervisors, they will prove that they train for success;
• Teach Managers/Supervisors the most volatile issues that they will face as Managers and how to mitigate those issues;
• Teach Managers/Supervisor how to handle performance issues consistently and according to your Organization’s values and mission;
• Documentation is key in performance issues. Have your Managers/Supervisors learn how to document performance consistently, strategically and fairly;
• Have Managers/Supervisors identify those compliance regulations that can impact the Organization as well as their accountability;
• Provide your Managers/Supervisors with the tools they need to reduce risk and connect with their direct reports.
Areas Covered in the webinar:
• What are the opportunity costs for Employers if they are accused of workplace law violations?
• How documenting performance issues to withstand legal scrutiny is a key factor in reducing Employer risk;
• The importance of Managers liability in employee allegations of workplace violations;
• The importance of training as a factor in Employer’s risk avoidance startegy;
• The importance of Managers awareness with current Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) impact when there are disciplinary issues involved;
• What does the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) do when there is a claim of discrimination?
• How Managers/Supervisors avoid “Vicarious Liability” when they make decisions that will impact the Organization?
• How does one to one supervision limit the bad performance issues with direct reports?
• What happens when an employee is terminated and they make claims of wrongful termination?
• When Managers/Supervisors are not acting as managers but trying to be a friend to their direct reports and the damages that arise;
• Teach Managers/Supervisors how they can manage their employees and reduce violations.
What You Get:
• Training Reference Materials
• Live Q&A Session with our Expert
• Reward Points
• Access to Signup Community (Optional)
Who Will Benefit:
• Human Resources professionals
• Employers
• Managers/Supervisors
• Executives
• Compliance professionals
• Business owners
• Professionals who handle employee relations issues
Linking Pay to Performance: Increasing Employee Engagement & Organizational Performance
LIVE : Scheduled on
03-April-2025 :01:00 PM EST