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OSHA Updates General Workplace COVID-19 Guidance, Issues Emergency Temporary Standard for Health Care Settings

Duration : 90 Minutes

Margie Faulk, PHR, SHRM-CP,

Margie Faulk is a senior level human resources professional with over 15 years of HR management and compliance experience. A current Compliance Advisor for HR Compliance Solutions, LLC, Margie, has worked as an HR Compliance advisor for major corporations and small businesses in the small, large, private, public and Non-profi Read more

On June 10, 2021, the federalOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) updated its guidanceentitled Protecting Workers: Guidance on Mitigating and Preventing theSpread of COVID-19 in the Workplace to reflect the change in CDC's guidanceregarding fully vaccinated people.

The U.S. Department of Labor'sOccupational Safety and Health Administration has announced it will issuean emergencytemporary standard to protect healthcareworkers from contracting coronavirus. The standard focuses on healthcareworkers most likely to have contact with someone infected with the virus. OSHAannounced the new standard alongside new general industry guidance, both ofwhich are aligned with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance.

The emergencytemporary standard establishes new requirements for settings where employeesprovide healthcare or health care support services, including skilled nursinghomes and home healthcare, with some exemptions for healthcare providers whoscreen out patients who may have COVID-19. OSHA will update the standard, ifnecessary, to align with CDC guidelines and changes in the pandemic.

Course Objectives:

COVID-19 is a highlyinfectious disease that is spread from person to person, including throughaerosol transmission of particles produced when an infected person exhales,talks, vocalizes, sneezes, or coughs. COVID-19 is highly transmissible and canbe spread by people who have no symptoms. Vaccines authorized by the U.S. Foodand Drug Administration in the United States are highly effective at protectingmost fully vaccinated people against symptomatic and severe COVID-19, and OSHAencourages employers to take steps to make it easier for workers to getvaccinated.

However, for workers who areunvaccinated or who are otherwise at-risk, OSHA recommends implementingmultiple layers of controls. Key controls to help protect unvaccinated orotherwise at-risk workers include separating from the workplace all infectedpeople, all people experiencing COVID symptoms, and any unvaccinated people whohave had a close contact with someone with COVID-19, implementing physicaldistancing, maintaining ventilation systems, and properly using face coveringsor personal protective equipment (PPE) when appropriate.

Course Outline:

•  What is an Emergency Temporary Standard and what does it mean forthe workplace?

•  Learn what the new Emergency Temporary Standards are and what theimpact is for Employers

•  When is the ETS effective?

•  Does the ETS impact the OSHA National Emphasis Program?

•  Learn how this long awaited ETS measures to the newadministrations’ COVID-19 focus

•  Learn how the guidance can be used to assist in the safety processfor unvaccinated workers

•  How does the new ETS compare with the Center for Disease Controland Prevention CDC)?

•  What are the steps Employers can take to focus on expanding theirsafety procedures?

•  Learn what steps employers can take to protect unvaccinated orotherwise at-risk workers in the workplace

•  Learn how healthcare industry can provide the safety procedures tominimize the spread of COVID-19

•  What are the non-healthcare at-risk industries?

•  Learn what the options are for those employees who refuse to bevaccinated

•  Learn what the OSHA recommendations are for those employees who donot get vaccinated

•  How does the new guidance impact facilities with poor ventilation?

•  Learn how the new standards still hold Employers responsible forcleaning and disinfecting their facilities

•  How do some industries still have issues with vaccines and masksin the workplace?

•  What else can Employers do to maintain safety in the workplace?

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Who Will Benefit:

• All Employers

• Business Owners

• Company Leadership

• Compliance professionals

• Payroll Administrators

• HR Professionals

• Compliance Professionals

• Managers/Supervisors

• Employers in all industries

• Small Business Owners

• Healthcare professionals

• Retail professionals

• Non-health professionals

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Subject : OSHA Updates General Workplace COVID-19 Guidance, Issues Emergency Temporary Standard for Health Care Settings

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